What is a WiFi Access Gateway (WAG)?

WiFi Access Gateway, or a Wireless Access Gateway, is an element in a network that serves to route data packets from a wireless LAN to another network, be it a wired or wireless WAN. In today’s network architecture, WAGs can be implemented as hardware or software (which we call virtual WAG, or vWAG).

Why is a WAG important for connectivity?

WAGs add new capabilities to the WiFi network while simplifying overall administration.  WAGs assist with user authentication and can dynamically provide per-user policies for bandwidth, QoS, traffic routing, and security.  A WAG can be viewed as a combination of WiFi controller, router, DHCP server, and firewall – all integrated into one solution.

Essentially, WAGs make it possible to better manage traffic and bandwidth allocation, apply subscriber policies, improve mobility, and dramatically increase security.

Where does a WAG/vWAG sit in the network?

WAG sits in between access networks and the Internet, ensuring that traffic can be managed according to policy.

Who needs a WAG?

WAG can be used in a variety of deployments & uses cases including Public & Community (Hotspot) WiFi, Education, Mobile Network Offload, Smart Cities, Venue WiFi, Hospitality WiFi, Multi-Dwelling Units (MDU), and more.

Key requirements that WAGs often fill are:

Read more on WAG functions and use cases here.

Enterprise Wi-Fi & Switching
Primary Education
Campus Connectivity
Multi-Dwelling Units
Wi-Fi Backhaul
