Select the Support Level that Meets Your Needs
With every product purchase, Cambium Networks provides technical support during customer business hours (8×5) on a best-effort basis. Hardware issues are diagnosed via joint troubleshooting with the customer and the issue will be addressed according to standard warranty status and the root cause of the issue. This may be sufficient for some customers who can largely manage and operate their network without assistance and hold adequate spares. For others, Cambium Networks provides three support programs staffed by our skilled technical support team and product support engineers to keep your network operating smoothly and efficiently. These programs provide 24x7x365 technical and premium warranty support. Our experts are augmented by self-help resources such as documentation, a growing knowledge base and our community forums.
Contact your Cambium reseller for details
- 24 x 7 support for basic and complex technical questions
- Software Updates included
- Assistance with hardware diagnosis
- Escalation to Level 2 and Level 3 engineers as required to meet SLAs
- All Risks Advanced Replacement for infrastructure hardware with next business day shipment1
- Chat support
- Quarterly reviews with reports, optimization guidance, and ongoing advisory for software releases2
- Dedicated Level 2 engineers and Service Account Manager3
* Available for select products. Please see Program Comparison Matrix above.
+ Available for select products. Please see Program Comparison Matrix above. Requires minimum annual spend of USD 500
1. Not available for ePMP 3000 and ePMP 2000 family of products.
2. Requires an annual spend of USD 10,000.
3. Requires an annual spend of USD 20,000.