Quick Start

Path profiles are automatically imported into LINKPlanner when you create a new link using the Path Profile Web Service.

Graphical Display

Model links before deployment to optimize performance and throughput. For example, if a link calculation indicates low throughput, a number of factors (product type, frequency, channel bandwidth, antenna height and size, etc.) can be changed to test potential improvements in link performance.

Time-Saving Features

Learn quickly with easy-to-use pull-down menus. Performance reports provide time-saving deployment guidelines, and single or multiple links can be planned simultaneously.

Proposal Generation and Installation

LINKPlanner automatically generates bills of material and proposal and installation reports, simplifying the deployment process.

LINKPlanner lets you model “what if” scenarios based on geography, distance, antenna height, transmit power, and other factors – to optimize system performance before purchase. Quickly and easily design networks using Cambium Networks’ family of products, for optimal deployment and cost effectiveness.
