Unleashing the Power of Generosity Around the World

By Cambium Networks

At Cambium Networks, one of our core values is to give back to people and communities worldwide. Just as there are diverse people in need, we help an array of charities to improve lives—whether it’s helping those affected by disasters, hospitals in need of connectivity or children in need of a new gift for the holiday season.

This November 29th is an International Day of Giving, also known as GivingTuesday—a day encouraging others to help their neighbors and those in need. There are so many ways to show generosity this year: donating to charity, helping neighbors, giving our time and skills, paying it forward and showing kindness.

Here’s how the Cambium Networks team showed up for communities this season:

  • The Cambium Networks team donated cases full of new toys to Toys for Tots at our Rolling Meadows office, filling up two boxes. Gunnery Sergeant Aporongao, the DuPage County Coordinator for Toys for Tots (shown in the photo), is the brother of RosAnn, who works at Cambium Networks.
  • Members of the Cambium team will donate their time on December 7th alongside ConnectedPartner WAV to build 450 bicycles for children.
  • We have provided communications equipment to Disaster Tech Lab to provide communications for overrun hospitals in the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions, in part due to COVID.
  • We provided equipment to ITDRC, who is helping people in the USA recover from Hurricane Ian.

Cambium Networks is there to support partners and first responders with critical, reliable fixed wireless and Wi-Fi solutions. Our team members volunteer their time, skills, expertise and resources—whether to support one individual or entire communities. We’re committed to empowering people around the world with connectivity to give them the tools they need to sustain future generations. When people are able to reliably and effortlessly connect to the internet, great things happen. Businesses grow, education is enhanced, and healthcare improves. And our society becomes empowered to make the world a better place.

This GivingTuesday, share how you’re giving to others with the hashtag #GivingTuesday and inspire others.

Published November 29, 2022