Right-Sizing Wireless Capacity

By Cambium Networks

We all live in a world of constant change. I was recently asked about what keeps Cambium Networks grounded when products and industry standards are in a constant state of flux.

The communications technology industry is always evolving to meet demands with short product life cycles and constantly increasing demand for capacity. While Cambium Networks is delivering wireless broadband solutions to bridge the digital divide around the world, we are also delivering high capacity Wi-Fi to locations where demand is always increasing.

It is not a one size fits all world. When designing a solution, the key is to focus on the needs of the customer, listen carefully, and deliver technology that yields a measurable improvement. Wireless service is needed everywhere, and we seek to design and deliver networks that will work right the first time and over the long haul. When designing a network, the temptation for organizations to move quickly has the risk of prioritizing other factors over design integrity, which can ultimately result in poor service.

Network operators want to satisfy their end-users, and so do we at Cambium Networks:

  • For Enterprise Wi-Fi Solution Providers, we deliver the capacity they need to satisfy high-density applications in schools and convention centers. We have a very comprehensive set of solutions to address the broad range of Wi-Fi use cases and to right-size capacity where it is needed. Our proven Xirrus solutions consistently provide students and event attendees indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi capacity for the multiple devices that they bring.
  • For Wireless Internet Service Providers, we provide cost-effective solutions that expand their ability to connect business and residential clients. Our award-winning PMP 450 and ePMP innovative outdoor wireless broadband solutions enable them to offer streaming video services, data services for these network operators around the world. Our broad range of proven wireless distribution solutions enables network operators to right-size the capacity (and cost) based on the use case.

There is no one answer that fits the needs of all customers. Our focus on the wireless fabric of connectivity solutions is also a means to start a conversation with any network operator to understand where they are now, what connectivity solutions they are choosing to address, and what capacity challenges they encounter as more end-users hop on to the network.

Wireless Fabric of Connectivity Solutions

Network operators are looking for proven solutions that deliver measurable results. This challenge is not overwhelming, this is the field that Cambium Networks team members play on every day, and where we will continue to deliver reliable solutions of affordable quality. If you or any network operator you know is facing challenges in their network, we are interested in listening to understand those challenges and developing a connectivity solution that will deliver the capacity that they need.

Published November 14, 2019