Get pinpoint accuracy on planning multi-gigabit speeds over fixed wireless and save time and money while delivering “wow” speeds to subscribers. cnWave, our 60 GHz multi-gigabit fixed wireless broadband solution, has now been added to the cnHeat planning tool. Network designers can quickly and easily model cnWave deployments and obtain RF 3D accuracy at every square meter of the heat map. cnHeat uses high resolution LiDAR to accurately model the earth and the buildings and vegetation on the earth. This allows RF propagation models to generate accurate RF plans at every square meter. Field tests and feedback from network operators prove out the accuracy of our heatmaps as best in class.
cnHeat is easy to use. Place the cnWave V5000 distribution nodes (DN) in LINKPlanner which we import into cnHeat. Then select the installation height of CNs and other DNs using the height slider on the screen. The resulting cnHeat coverage map displays Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) with colors clearly indicating signal strength. In the picture below the strongest signal is indicated in red and a weaker signal in yellow. You can easily see where coverage is available and where it is blocked by trees or other obstructions.
The system also provides:
- Coverage for different client node (CN) and distribution node (DN) equipment, including the cnWave V1000 mid-gain model and V3000 high-gain model CNs.
- Visual propagation models for all four channels of 60 GHz operation.
- Visual propagation models with and without fade from rain.

The cost of a DN site in cnHeat for cnWave deployments is significantly less than our cnHeat site cost used in high site applications. Cost is less than one quarter to reflect the fewer amount of homes covered by a cnWave DN. cnWave cnHeat deployments allow for the DN sites to be physically moved since planning cnWave deployments in a dynamic process both at initial design and over the lifespan of the deployment. In cases where you use cnHeat, have all your DNs placed and see the coverage is still not optimal, you can send us the updated layout of your DNs, and for a small charge, we can rerun the model.
The goal is for you to know that your cnWave equipment will work before you do any field work. You can view a high-level introduction of cnHeat here. If you have any questions, you can always contact me at