Make Our Superpower Yours

By Cambium Networks

All heroes have superpowers: the things that separate them from mortals and make them special. When recently asked about Cambium Networks’ superpower, I realized that the one I hold at the top of the list is spectral efficiency. Like gold or diamonds, RF spectrum is scarce. Network operators who sell throughput to business and residential subscribers seek the outdoor fixed wireless technology that enables them to get the highest amount of throughput in the smallest amount of RF spectrum. The technology enables them to satisfy more customers and earn more revenue in the exact same environment as their competitors – a sustainable technology advantage.

While many systems claim to be capable of providing high throughput, a look at the details reveals that their system requires a clear 80 MHz channel, which is not easy to find anywhere these days. The Cambium Networks PMP 450m with cnMedusa Massive Multi-User MIMO technology delivers industry-leading spectral efficiency, and it does so in the unlicensed 5 GHz, licensed 3 GHz and the newly available CBRS frequency bands. In 5 GHz, the system delivers more than 500 Mbps of actual throughput in a slim 20 MHz channel, which equates to 20+ bps/Hz, and the system can deliver over 40 bps/Hz when deployed in frequency re-use configurations.

Nathan Stooke, CEO of Wisper Internet describes the PMP 450m: “What really sets the Medusa apart is that it’s pushing almost a Gig capacity, and that’s just super spectrally efficient. It’s amazing to see how this product has flipped our industry on its head in terms of allowing us to catch up and surpass a lot of the incumbent providers out there because it does allow you to provide these massive, massive services.”

Spectral efficiency does not come easy. At the highest level, cnMedusa increases capacity per sector by allowing simultaneous data transfer to multiple subscriber modules (SM) within a sector. Our engineers have a deep understanding of RF technologies including synchronization, 14 x 14 Multi-User MIMO arrays, and intelligent beamforming, as well as uplink and downlink transmission. They also know how to deliver these capabilities in a solution that is easy to plan, install and manage. For a full description of the technology, refer to this solution paper.

Unlike fictional superpowers that exist in comic books or the movies, the PMP 450m is available to install in your network right now. This field-proven technology is already installed in more than one million modules in networks around the world. As demand for throughput continues to rise and spectrum remains scarce, the PMP 450m is ready to perform in your world. Just call us.

Published July 14, 2020